Animals come into our care for a variety of reasons but they all have one thing in common:
They need a forever home.
Before adopting from a breeder or buying a puppy from a pet shop, please consider the huge increase in the number
of homeless animals across the UK. The stigma that all rescue animals are unpredictable and come with behavioural issues is simply not the case. Many animals are given up for adoption by their owners because of a change in family situation or financial limitations, not because of the animal's behaviour.
We will always give you as much information as we can about an animal's background, temperament and character
so that together we can carefully consider whether you and the animal are a good match for each other.
It is hugely rewarding to re-home a rescue animal and give them a fresh start, and
we do everything we can to ensure that their next home really is forever.​
Adoption Donation Fees vary and depend on the age and breed of the animal, please get in touch to find out more.
We do not offer refunds. However, we understand that even with the best of intentions, things don’t always work out but
we will always welcome the animal back to our rescue if for any reason you feel you cannot keep them.